This is a wild feeling, like a syncronicity for a time I never had, but could have. Now, everything is feeling right. Another piece in the puzzle.

Species Name

Planet, Star-Number, Galaxy, Cluster

Star Description.

Planet Description.

Planet Featural Description (Continents, major political powers, etc)


Physical Description + Life Cycle

Centauric Felines possessing an organ which can pump them full of fresh Stem-cells like a sort of biological reset a recorded maximum of nine times to prevent death, which kicks in after several hours. If one died an hour ago, leave them alone until tomorrow, and if they're not up and about, they're not getting back up. They've got the best and worst parts of being catlike.


Emotive Range and Gestures.

  1. First Stage
  2. First Stage Description

  3. Second Stage
  4. Second Stage Description

  5. Third Stage
  6. Third Stage Description


Communication Method. Their language sounds musical, with gibberish sounding words full of consonants, and almost feels like a nursery rhyme. It's tonal, with softer, gentler sounds, and conjugates for time travel. Grammar is Regenerative, actively changing based on When and Which Direction time is going. SVO for Present, VSO for Future, OVS for Past with time flowing Forward. SOV for Present, VOS for Future, OSV for Past with time flowing Backwards. Using the inactive tense, Present structure references Paused time, Future structure represents No More Time, and Past structure represents Before Time.

Language Recording. Their language is written circularly, and has 13 consonants, and 25 vowel-tone pairs.


Overall Culture



Agriculture and Husbandry.



Governmental Type and Structure.

Governmental Election.


Taxes and Public Service.

Species Name

clodsire render

description. a transparent image is best, but any works
Species Stats
Dimensionality X
Strength X
Constitution X
Stamina X
Intelligence X
Wisdom X
Charisma X
Speed X
Dexterity X
(Homeworld) Stats
Day X
Days in a Month X
Size X
Year X
Atmosphere X
Gravity X
Dominant Climate
  • tropical
  • subtropical
Equatorial Temprature 88F
Polar Temprature 75F
Species Info
Governance X-ocracy
Population 3,012,000,000
Environment X
Evolutionary Analogue X
Sexes X
Superscript Citation1
Subscript Name1