This is a wild feeling, like a syncronicity for a time I never had, but could have. Now, everything is feeling right. Another piece in the puzzle.

The Bopa

Planet, Star-Number, Galaxy, Cluster

Star Description.

Planet Description.

Planet Featural Description (Continents, major political powers, etc)


Physical Description + Life Cycle

Translucent trimorphic, three legged amoeboid slime-frogs. Largely, their bodies are standardly simple slime blobs, but tend to default to three legs when needing better traction. Have a gene that makes them shine like metal, dubbed by others as "Quicksilvers", which earn their name heartily. X chomrosomes lead to Green ones, Y chromosomes lead to Purple, and Z chromosomes lead to an irridescent dark silver. Green and Purple can photosynthesize.

Death causes their viscosity to Plummet. Older Bopa are slimy, while the Young are more Sticky. The dead largely become puddles. Destroying their nucleus also, understandably, kills them. Breeding can be the result of self cloning as well as a form of sexual combination, in which special parapodia are used, resulting in an egg that forms over five months, then hatches two months later.

Emotive Range and Gestures.

  1. Bud
  2. Youth, bouncy blobs of translucent gel with three free floating eyes. The mouth is similarly free floating, able to press forward anywhere the stomach is. They hatch from eggs, and as buds enjoy stacking behaviors.

  3. Bulb
  4. The pubescent stage of Bopa development, largely affected by different environments. Rocky terrain causes wings, aquatic terrains cause jellyfish mutations, and other terrains lead to a safely lower viscosity.

  5. Elder
  6. Large, adult staged Bopa. Their Nucleus moves up and into a Crystine shell, surrounded by spikes. The pubescent Bulb adaptations fade, as their larger size offers enough fluidity and locomotion to make exploratory growths largely unnecessary. They can shift these growths again if needed, some opt to make even more changes.

  7. Grand
  8. Uncommon "Grandfather" stage. Commonly found as leaders, in governmental and general situations. Their Cystynes grow more pronounced, and their mouths affix themselves at a "front. Spikes, horns, and fangs form.

  9. Jewel
  10. Mostly cystyne, a more uncommon stage. Strangely, despite looking contradictory, their bodies are capable of bouyancy, and their crystals are poreous enough for parapodial appendages to pass through. Out of all Bopa, only a few hundred are jewels at a time.

  11. Diamondic
  12. A life stage that only seems to occur in myth, the secret of attainment having long since been lost. Thier cystyne membranes are uniquely strong, and heir bodies shimmer under the light beautifully. Smaller than even elders, yet densely nucleic. The Perfect Bopa Form.


Communication Method.

Language Recording.


Overall Culture



Agriculture and Husbandry.



Governmental Type and Structure.

Governmental Election.


Taxes and Public Service.

Species Name

clodsire render

description. a transparent image is best, but any works
Species Stats
Dimensionality X
Strength X
Constitution X
Stamina X
Intelligence X
Wisdom X
Charisma X
Speed X
Dexterity X
(Homeworld) Stats
Day X
Days in a Month X
Size X
Year X
Atmosphere X
Gravity X
Dominant Climate
  • tropical
  • subtropical
Equatorial Temprature 88F
Polar Temprature 75F
Species Info
Governance X-ocracy
Population 3,012,000,000
Environment X
Evolutionary Analogue X
Sexes X
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